
Hi! I'm Heidi.

Helping parents of young math learners excel!

For parents of young math learners who want to make math a highlight of their time with their kids. Get help from actual math teachers with all of the math problems in your life. Weekly tips, tricks, how-to's and serious math fun coming at you!

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Two THOUSAND hours of what?! šŸ¤Æ

Hi Reader,As we wrap up another school year (just 2 more weeks for some!), I wanted to say thank you so much for choosing and trusting WiseKinde for your math needs. Our mission is to help you raise your kids to be critical thinkers, capable analyzers, and confident reasoners who can make sense of problems and work toward creative solutions. And how are we doing? Well, here are a few AWESOME numbers that sum up our work so far. Spoiler alert: Thereā€™s a LOT of math in here āœļø 2219 tutoring...

6 days agoĀ ā€¢Ā 1 min read

Hi Reader, What are you googling? I happened to sit on the google search bar the other day for a second (I think a child needed me), and this is what I saw. Turns out, I google a lot of math stuff. And every single one of those bright yellow math googles make me so happy! Sometimes itā€™s a review, sometimes Iā€™m looking for new (to me) ways to do things, and sometimes itā€™s just what I do in my free time because I love it! (Also, Iā€™m currently intrigued by birds and recently learned that doves...

20 days agoĀ ā€¢Ā 2 min read

Hi Reader, During a 1-on-1 tutoring session this week, the kid I was working with asked me a familiar question that used to really get my heart rate going as a teacher. ā€œAm I ever going to use this?ā€ This time around, I actually enjoyed answering the question. Honestly. ā€œProbably not.ā€ Reader, the truth is, we have no idea what kids will need to know in 10, 20, or 30 years. Our best bet is to help them learn skills that they will be able to take into whatever the future holds for them, and...

27 days agoĀ ā€¢Ā 2 min read

Hi Reader, I spent an afternoon this weekend at the park with four kids between the ages of 16 months and 11 years old having fun while doing math. Yes, you read that correctly. Two of those kiddos are not math lovers (or school lovers, for that matter) so it was what Iā€™d call a ā€œtough math crowd.ā€ Itā€™s funny, it shouldnā€™t have been a surprise to me because I love math and I know itā€™s fun, but I was surprised to see how much fun the ā€œtough math crowdā€ had estimating distances, converting feet...

about 1 month agoĀ ā€¢Ā 2 min read

Hi Reader, Weā€™re new friends, which makes me so happy. So I thought you should know a little about me, especially why Iā€™m so pumped about mathā€¦ Iā€™m Heidi, a mom to a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old, the founder of WiseKinde (the best online math help around!), and an adventurer at heart. My family and I are currently based in Salt Lake City, UT, and weā€™re putting together a plan to spend a lot more time in Mexico in the future. We sold our house, cars, and a lot of material things, so we can pack...

about 1 month agoĀ ā€¢Ā 2 min read

Hi Reader, Do you ever have hard weeks? šŸ¤š This week has been a challenge. Iā€™ve been feeling all of my feelings and having text conversations with my sister that go something like this: Iā€™m feeling sad. Do you ever feel this way? What is life about? What about mortality? Whatā€™s the purpose? All of the big questions that no one really knows the answer to, right? Sometimes it feels like everybody else has everything figured out But, obviously, thatā€™s not the case. The best people to chat with,...

about 1 month agoĀ ā€¢Ā 1 min read

Hi Reader, In case you havenā€™t heard: Itā€™s March Madness! This time of year, I love watching college basketball. When I was (a lot) younger basketball was my life! So I like to live vicariously through all the college basketball games I can get my eyes on. As a high school math teacher, I loved having real, concrete examples of math in real lifeā€¦ Oh, Hello March Madness šŸ€ *Insert the classic announcer voice at big games* Welcome to a classic example of exponential decay, otherwise known as...

about 2 months agoĀ ā€¢Ā 1 min read

Hi Reader, Iā€™ve read or heard multiple times now that we should be finding more joy by subtracting things from our lives. Hereā€™s how subtraction has been showing up in my life lately, and how you can start using 12 key words and phrases to celebrate subtracting at home. You use subtraction when your kid takes the Cadbury Eggs you were saving for yourself ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ, when transferring money to your sister for an entire bottle of her fancy shampoo that your 3-year-old used to wash her animals in...

about 2 months agoĀ ā€¢Ā 1 min read

Hi Reader, Iā€™ve had the pleasure of enjoying beautiful flowers lately, including a few that arenā€™t native to my home state of Utah! Weā€™ve got orange lilies (my absolute favorite!), roses, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums, daisies, delphiniums, carnations, and some I donā€™t actually know the name of. (Iā€™ll stick to math šŸ‘) Subconsciously, I realized that I gladly say ā€œno thank youā€ to some flowers (hello carnations!) and would never turn down others. And, wouldnā€™t you know, math is exactly like...

2 months agoĀ ā€¢Ā 1 min read

Happy almost Pi Day, Reader! Did you know itā€™s Pi Day on Thursday? When I was younger, I balked at this celebration on March 14 (3.14). But now I embrace every time our society takes something mathy and makes it normal and even, FUN. So, happy Pi Day! What is š… (pi)? Pi represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter. That means š… =circumference/diameter for EVERY circle. Always. Think hula hoops, coins, cookiesā€“the options are endless! Cool, huh? Image Credit My cool Pi...

2 months agoĀ ā€¢Ā 1 min read
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